jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

Warm and Cold 5º

Colours transmit different sensations when we see it in a painting, if you mix them together you'll transmite a lot of things. In this case we've got the comparative between warm and cold colours. Which side transmite warm to you? Which side transmite cold? Which colours are in each one?


1º's Memory game

One easy and funny game it's the memory, where you've got to join the pairs together, remembering where each piece is so you can know wich pieces you've got to turn to obtain a pair and keep on playing.


viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

1º's Houses

There are a lot of houses in the world, but they used to have the same rooms, or at least a bathroom, a bedroom, a living-room and a kitchen, and in each one of them we've got different furnitures, nobody will imagine a bed in the kitchen. Here there are the pictures of the students from 1º primary in wich they have coloured, drew, cut, and pasted.